The BreakFree Seminar Series


Lay the foundation - 5 day seminar

The first part of the 3-part series, Freedom is an intense five-day personal growth seminar designed to teach you how to live your life to the fullest. 
Participants are provided a safe and confidential environment in which they take an honest look at their lives, evaluating where they are at present, where they’ve come from and where they would like to be. 

The program is set up in empowering progressive steps and the focus is to help each participant discover for themselves what they want more of in their life, and to discover and recognize their gifts, qualities and unique abilities They will have the opportunity to identify and move past the obstacles that have prevented them from achieving the level of success they seek in their personal and professional lives. 

Each attendee discovers what does not work for them and is equipped with tools to stop or reduce the negative or self-defeating behaviours and they come away with tools that, when used, will help them achieve “more of what is working in their lives and less of what isn’t”. They are equipped to become their best in all aspects of daily living – family life, career & work, personal relationships, health, etc.  

Register for Freedom

Next Step

Examine and redefine - 2.5 day seminar

Next Step looks at the present by looking at self-imposed rules and at structure in our world. How do our self-imposed rules affect our day-to-day routine? It explores the experience of doing more of what works in our lives and less of what doesn’t. What are the tapes playing in our heads when we break our own rules, or when things don’t go according to the structure we have set up? We’ll also look further at the tapes and the self-defeating character that nags us with self-doubt. It all leads up to a look at a personality profiling process we call “Colours”, giving us an insightful look at ourselves and how we fit into the rest of the world.

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The road ahead - 2.5 day seminar

Purpose is a weekend of looking forward. You will have an opportunity to spend time on communication skills and on how well you communicate with others. It will also give you tools to improve the way you speak to people, enhancing others’ listening skills. Sunday is the day many of you look forward to. That is when you will be putting the words to your existence, answering the questions “Why am I here?” “What is my Purpose?” “Purpose” is a gentle process that will allow you to find something that was never lost, something you’ve always had, but perhaps have not yet been able to put into words. The weekend raps up with participants discovering the words of the Purpose for their lives. 

Register for Purpose

Youth Camp

Tools for life - 7 day camp (Monday to Sunday)

Youth Camp provides young people, 9-15 years of age, with the opportunity to open up and share exactly what’s going on in their world in a safe environment. Teens break through walls of self-doubt and participate in experiential processes/games that will help them to discover who they truly are. The teens will find out what they really want at this stage in their life. We have them take a look at the self-defeating things they do as young people that complicate their lives and keep them from getting the most out of their young years. Imagine your son or daughter realizing the value of one simple process...keeping their agreements? Or, how would your home life be different if there was more open honest communication, no more one-word answers, and/or a plan of action to acknowledge the best in one another?

The youth training is similar to the adult program in terms of structure, the variety of learning modalities, teachings and processes. By the end of the week the walls between children and parents come tumbling down. Families become closer and are able to express their feelings in a more loving way.  Communication is established that continues long after this program is over – hopefully a lifetime.

The Youth program begins Monday afternoon when the teens are dropped off by their parent(s) at the camp and delivered into the care of their coach(es) until Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon the parent(s) return and rejoin their teens for their graduation and “Family Camp”, the family portion of the program. This part will take the family through various processes together for the duration of the weekend. The program concludes on Sunday afternoon.

Give the gift of Youth Camp to yourself and your children.  At least one parent attending the family portion of Youth Camp must be a graduate of the Break Free Seminars 5-day program, Freedom. This is to ensure the teens will have the support they need to continue using the tools they learned at the camp with their family at home.The Camp also includes swim time, music, skits, life-long friendships and fun, along with the life lesson processes. 

Register for Youth Camp
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